Monday, April 30, 2007

Spa Gift Certificate

I have an expired gift certificate for a spa। Can I still use it? It expired July 2006 but I think it should? I live in NJ- it was bought July 2005 and has a one yr। expr. date. I always heard if the place is still in business they should honor it. (it's like cash) Does anyone know the answer?

From what I can tell, NJ has a 24 month expiration। Here is the information: Contact the Spa and request that they extend it. Be pleasent and prepared to book a service within the next wo weeks. New Jersey N.J. Rev. Stat. §56:8-110(c)Gift card" means a tangible device, whereon is embedded or encoded in an electronic or other format a value issued in exchange for payment, which promises to provide to the bearer merchandise of equal value to the remaining balance of the device."Gift certificate" means a written promise given in exchange for payment to provide merchandise in a specified amount or of equal value to the bearer of the certificate.N.J. Rev. Stat. §56:8-110(a)(1)The expiration date of the card/certificate shall not be less than 24 months after the date of sale. Terms regarding expiration date must be disclosed as specified.N.J. Rev. Stat. §56:8-110(a)No dormancy fee shall be assessed on a gift card/certificate within 24 months of the date of sale or within 24 months of the most recent activity or transaction. Fee shall not exceed $2 per month. Terms regarding fees must be disclosed as specified.

Marie Bernat COO/Founder Spavelous
"when you want to be more then great you want to be spavelous"

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