Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Skin Break Out

Amber71 ask -
On my lip and eyebrows, my skin breaks out really bad and then gets very dry. this lasts for about a week and its very noticeable. any ideas as to how to minimize the breakout and decrease the dryness? aloe after the wax didn't seem to work.

Dear Amber71
It sounds as though you have sensitive skin and you may have a problem with the wax they are using. Your aesthetician should use a sensitive skin cold wax (as opposed to a gold hot wax that is removed with a cloth strip), they should try to prep and clean the area and then dust with powder. Apply the wax and pull it off they should not double dip in the wax and they should not wax the same area twice. After the removal you may want them to use a lavender oil and perhaps use tend skin later. If that does not work then you should probably switch to tweezing.

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